In some fairly significant ways, including combat diversity, enemy variety, character depth and emotional attachment to the story, BioShock 2 is superior to BioShock 1. “Is it better than BioShock? We never, ever imagined we’d be writing this, but… yes. Review Published: Feb 9th, 2010 Rating: 5/5 – The 29 best pieces of BioShock fan art (opens in new tab) BioShock 2

Time hasn't dimmed but magnified BioShock's bravura introduction (one of the finest game openings of all time, alongside Half-Life, Kingdom Hearts and Uncharted 2), and peerlessly realised universe – even if the mechanics don't quite measure up to today's expectations. Read our full BioShock review (opens in new tab) here. The more time you give to BioShock, the more it rewards you” You can play through once, neglecting a particular audio tape or scratched message on the wall, and miss an entire layer of the plot. Most remarkably, while the answers you desire do exist, the game does not give them away easily. Unlike a movie, however, the experience here is always a personal one – a quest of discovery, a search for identity. The concept, characters and pacing are all leagues above the competition the genuinely shocking twists are worthy of a feature film. “ BioShock's story is the best we've witnessed on this console generation to date. Review Published: August 15th, 2007 Rating: 5/5